Committees - Get Involved!
The Council forms committees for a designated function. Through committees, church members and friends work to care for the life of the church and our ministries in the larger community.

Mission, Peace and Justice Committee
Jesus was dedicated to the work of peace and justice, seeking to make manifest the Kin-dom of God on earth. Indeed, he was crucified in large part for demanding justice for all and speaking truth to power.
The Mission, Peace, and Justice (MP&J) Committee seeks to follow in Jesus’ steps, recognizing that injustice occurs due to the actions of individuals and groups, but also through the policies of governments, corporations and institutions (structural injustice).
Accordingly, we seek to involve our congregation, often with local agencies, in providing food, clothing, shelter, education, and encouragement to those in need. We also try to educate our people and the community at large about critical justice issues such as poverty, racism, homophobia, unequal distribution of wealth, environmental concerns, etc. and other critical issues.
Finally, we encourage members to be active with local partners to expand our witness for justice including participation in advocacy, demonstrations, and protests where prudent.
Building and Grounds Committee
The purpose of the Building and Grounds Committee is to plan, direct, and coordinate the activities of the church in all aspects of the care of our lovely building and surrounding grounds.
Communications Committee
The Communications Team helps the Pastor oversee external and internal church communications. Using social media and other platforms, we inform CCP members and friends, newcomers to the area, and others residing within the greater community about the programs, events and activities taking place at or being sponsored by the church.
Hospitality and Fellowship
The Hospitality and Fellowship Committee responds to other committees’ requests for refreshments at their events. Coffee Hour after worship is one of the main projects this committee oversees. This Committee also organizes several of the annual events such as the Easter Breakfast and the Christmas Cookie Reception.

Worship & Education Committee
This committee oversees worship services, music activities, and spiritual education for adults and children. Opportunities to volunteer are wide open. You might serve as a liturgist for Sunday worship, usher or help serve communion, read a story or preach for Children’s Time, design a special altar scape or contribute live flowers from your garden, join the altar guild in caring for linens and vestments and brass. Something for everyone!
Our music program is exemplary. Join the choir and share the pleasure of singing diverse music Music Ministry & Choir

Adult Education is a mainstay of this worship community. Every year includes book studies related to current social topics, Bible study and interfaith inquiries. At least twice a year Pastor Terry offers a three-session Inquirer’s Class for folks interested in learning more about the church. See specific programs in the last 12 months.
Pastor-Parish Relations Team*
The Pastoral Relations Team supports the pastor in such matters as annual goal setting, continuing educational priorities and plans, as well as matters significant to the pastor’s spiritual and physical self-care and renewal. The team also provides input for consideration by the Council for the purpose of annual evaluation and compensation of the pastor. The team includes the pastor, one Council member and two members of the congregation. This group meets quarterly (minimally) for the purpose of serving as a sounding board and resource for the pastor and as a liaison between the pastor and the congregation. The formation of the team is the responsibility of the Council in consultation with the pastor.
*Membership by invitation of Council or Pastor only.
Our Children’s Education Program is always open to fresh ideas and strategies. Volunteer opportunities include:
- Restock the Kids’ Activity bags at the back of the sanctuary.
- Get certified as a nursery care provider according to our Safe Church Policy and take a turn covering childcare in the Butterfly Room during Sunday worship.
- Participate in special events: Halloween “Trunk or Treat” for the Garden School families, our no-rehearsal all-ages Christmas pageant, Mardi Gras with King Cake and the Easter morning outdoor Egg Hunt!

Personnel Committee*
The Personnel Committee assists the Pastor with matters relating to church personnel including hiring, training and evaluation of staff members. The Personnel Committee also helps to ensure policies, procedures and processes are in place to support staff and volunteers and that the ministry operation is compliant with state and federal law.
*Membership by invitation of Council or Pastor only.