Social Justice

Here are but a few of the specific activities the Congregation has accomplished or facilitated recently:
- Promote the UCC Five Yearly Special Mission Offerings
- A constant campaign of learning and action related to social justice, racial justice, environmental justice, and other causes which help us live our commitment to following Jesus’ example as a way of life and a way of love
- Close partnerships with and vocal support of local organizations focused in serving our LGBTQ+ community, including Sandhills Pride and our local PFLAG chapter. In September 2013, CCP celebrated 10 YEARS as a designated Open and Affirming Congregation
- Regular food contributions to local helping agencies, including regular donation of Fruit to
- Collection of hygiene and clothing items for disaster survivors
- Annual drives for school supplies for local children in need at HOPE Academy
- Support of the Angel Tree for North Moore Family Resource Center’s Santa’s Shop
- Participation in Annual Crop Walks for Hunger
- Raising of funds to support refugees
- Sustainable clothing and furniture drives to assist community members in need.
- Active participation in ecumenical efforts, including the Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
- An ongoing focus on environmental justice, to include comprehensive environmental education and initiatives and affirmative steps (like our wonderful solar panels!) to be a “green” congregation.
- Ongoing work with local partner organizations including the Moore County NAACP, Sandhills Pride, Northern Moore Family Resource Center, the Moore County Free Clinic, the Literacy Council, West Southern Pines Center for African American History, Cultural Arts, and Business, and other agencies and organizations
- Continued to live our calling to be a voice of light and love in our community

Congregational Church Social Justice
Congregational Church Social Justice
Congregational Church Social Justice